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Crying Standing Up: Finding Courage in 2025

My little thoughts as a productive crybaby..

“Do It Scared”

There’s a saying that goes, “If you cry, cry standing up. If you cry lying down or sitting, you may not have the courage to get back up.” And there’s something so raw and honest about that. Because sometimes, life hits you in a way that brings you to your knees. It makes you want to give up, to curl into yourself, and just let the weight of it all bury you.

But here’s the truth: it’s okay to cry. It’s okay to hurt. It’s okay to feel everything. But cry standing up. Even when it feels unbearable. Even when you’re scared. Because crying standing up is a reminder that, no matter how broken you feel in that moment, you still have strength left in you. You’re still choosing to face the world—even when you’d rather collapse.

And that’s courage.

Courage doesn’t mean you’re fearless. It doesn’t mean you’ve got it all figured out or that you’re ready for what’s ahead. Courage means doing it scared. It means taking the next step even when you’re trembling, even when your legs feel like they’ll give out beneath you.

Psychologists call this “courage in motion.” When we act, even in the face of fear, our brains start to rewire themselves. Each step forward—even if it’s shaky—tells your mind, I can handle this. It builds momentum. And that momentum? It’s what keeps you going. It’s what helps you stand, cry, and still take another step.

But here’s the hard part: you have to choose it. No one can do it for you. No one else can make you stand when everything in you wants to sit down. No one else can walk through your fear or your pain. That’s yours. But the good news? You don’t have to do it all at once.

Sometimes “doing it scared” is the tiniest thing: making that phone call, opening the door, writing the first line, or simply getting out of bed. Those small moments? They matter. They’re proof that you’re still trying, that you haven’t given up. So, if you’ve made it this far into the post and you feel like life has knocked you flat, know this: you’re allowed to cry. You’re allowed to feel broken. But cry standing up. Because standing is a choice. It’s a promise to yourself that, no matter how hard it gets, you’ll keep going. Even if you’re scared.

Especially if you’re scared.

I see you all enjoyed my previous post on "Competition vs Collaboration" as I received so many new subscribers! I wanted to do something similar this time. My hope for you all in 2025.. is to do things eventhough you are shit scared; be it taking that leap on that opportunity you dont think you cant do , or taking the time to invest in yourself and your own growth.

Whatever it is, do it scared.

excited for what 2025 has to bring for all of us! ill be also sharing more updates on my art and merch products with you throughout the year so stay tuned!!


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